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Bank Holiday Fun

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DaisyNonna | 18:57 Fri 02nd May 2014 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Anything planned with or without the family? Good time to get together usually. My grand daughter is expected to be in school for a Science Intervention. Was also expected to be there during part of the Easter Holidays. What is going wrong with secondary schools that this is deemed necessary? Already predicted very good GCSE results.


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Maybe your granddaughter is not achieving as high as she is predicted to get in Science, it's not unusual for departments to put on extra classes (if a student in any of your classes underachievers in the actual GCSE then you have to explain why).
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Predicted A*
What I meant was she might be predicted an A* (ie she should be capable of achieving) but maybe her work is not currently at that level.
Perhaps that's what her potential is, but she isn't completely on course at the moment.
I'm working until next Saturday, which is fine. Got a girls' night tomorrow and family lunch out Sunday. Any plans, daisy?
Nothing planned. Grandchildren coming at half term, now camping in East Anglian, hope they gave taken their thermals!
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>>>What is going wrong with secondary schools that this is deemed necessary?

Teachers are giving up part of their holidays, unpaid, to help their pupils - that's what's happening! (I used to get moaned at, rather than thanked, by many parents when I organised extra maths lessons after school as they saw it as 'putting their children in detention for finding maths hard'. Yet some of those same parents would happily pay for private tuition!)

Where will I be on Monday? Weather permitting, probably here:
(That's even though I know that the information about 'free entry' given there is wrong. Unless you actually live along the main street in Mendlesham, it costs several pounds just to walk along it when the street fair is on!)
Yes, and it wouldn't be fair to let an intelligent pupil slide down a grade, because they'll do pretty well anyway. Not necessarily a bad thing.
The intervention day can make all the difference between, say A and A*. I run similar ones for Maths. It's a good opportunity to practise tackling exam questions- I'm sure there will lots of practice papers and tips on how to revise and maximise marks on questions. Students can gain a lot of confidence from these. It's a more productive use of time than 'self-revision' which most students are not good at.
A lie in Daisy, may be a meal out, let's hope for nice weather!

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