Has everybody remembered that First Class & Second Class postage increases by 2p from the beginning of April? So buy your Second Class Christmas card stamps now if you want to save money but remember, new Letter, Large Letter & Package categories will be introduced on 21st August 2006. For full details you can check how the new proportional pricing system will work, with an explanatory demonstration on www.royalmail.com
You're really going to stock up on stamps now so that you can save 2p a go?
Imagine buying 200 stamps. You'll save �4!! Alternatively you can, for example, shop around and change your mortgage provider and save thousands of pounds.
When I was buying stamps for last Christmas, I was trying to decide how many to buy, when the chap in the Post Office said "Buy lots. You can use them next year. No one will remember which design is being used, and you will save yourself a lot of money" Just for the record, I have 5 spare, so I will have saved 10p, so far. Every little helps. Mr pugwash52 will be proud of me.
Many years ago when I was saving up to get married I had an "Opportunity Savings" jar. Every time I managed to save money on a special offer, etc. I put the money I saved into the pot. As Pugwash says, "every little helps" and over 12 months it can be quite surprising how the small sums mount up. As much as anything it's about the satisfaction of "beating the system" which rarely seems to be directed in the consumer's favour.
Am I rich? No - I'd just refuse to put myself out just to save 2p a go.
If you're going to spend that bit more energy in an effort to generate more money or make cost savings then I'd want more of a return than 2p.
Nobody in their right mind spends every waking moment thinking of how they could save money in their immediate situation - they pick and choose when to think like this. For these times I'd review my mortgage, decide to take a packed lunch into work instead of buying overpriced (and, frankly, bland) sandwiches, walk/cycle instead of bus/car etc. etc. instead of stocking up on stamps for 2p profit.
If you pay your BT bill by direct debit you apparently save �1 per month. ;-)