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Sunday May 4Th 2014 Mastermind Puzzle

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meteora | 10:03 Sun 04th May 2014 | Crosswords
19 Answers
1. worker fell of the south pole leaving waterproof overshoe. (6) A???I? 2. University pie shop minced horse (but well before the horsemeat scandal). (8) 3. Swan,Maybe, not riven. (8). 4. Went backwards and lost the right to go out. (8)


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4 reversed? ( Deserve + r)
3 Inventor (Joseph Swan)
3 inventor anagram of not riven
2 Eohippus - anag U pie shop
1 (Ant) Arctic
Question Author
Thank you all will be back if stuck again
Question Author
5. Prancing about is endless direction in underground activity. (9)C?V?R???E. 6. I praise a prompt steal.(14).???A?P???????E. 7. Undeveloped kid is on French island. (9). I???????E. 8. Hide visible directions around chromium. (6). ???E?N. Thanks in advance.
S Cr een
Infant ile
Question Author
No 5 ends with (E) could be covortive. covortice not sure
Are you sure of the E? Just thinking of caving as underground activity
Question Author
Yes rEversed for Answer to 4. gives me the (E)
Question Author
could it be coverside
I'm stumped, meteora. :(
Change reversed to egressed and cavorting fits?
^ (r)egressed
Question Author
well done thank you

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Sunday May 4Th 2014 Mastermind Puzzle

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