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Little Recycling Caddy Bags.

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Tilly2 | 21:23 Wed 07th May 2014 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
You know those little bags that you put in the little recycling, kitchen waste caddy? Why do they feel wet when you pull them off the roll?


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I have a caddy so that I don't have to keep opening the door and going outside.

If you have dogs, opening the door is not as simple as it sounds.
We have those waste caddies from the council. You put left over food in them then empty them into the green wheelie bins with the garden rubbish.
Sorry Tilly, I don't follow. How does having dogs make a difference?
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Once you open the door the dogs go out in the garden and then it's another ten minutes before they come back in again. It's just a bit of a faff, opening and closing the door to see if the dogs are ready to come back in. Pathetic, I know.
I think my council has it sussed.
2 weekly, paper/plastic/anything recyclable is taken.
The alternative 2 weekly, general rubbish is collected.
Once a month, compostable stuff is collected.
All this only shows how all the councils are different. The only bit I really appreciate is the big green one that takes paper, card, cans and plastic bottles all in together, that's great.

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