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Dentist Trip

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B00 | 16:14 Tue 06th May 2014 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
Mini Boo had to have a filling today, so we're sat in the waiting room, errr waiting (as you do!) and this woman came in with 2 other children who proceeded to bounce around the place like Zebedee on steroids and shouting.

Mini Boo and I largely ignored 'em, her on my phone playing a game and me, itching to smack 'em but obviously couldn't. This was bearable, just, until, the youngest decided her sister was boring and wanted to engage Mini Boo in her unholy shenanigans. This involved slapping her thighs to get her intention, crawling along her seat right up into Mini Boo's face and making stupid noises. Mini Boo to her credit made appropriate noises when it got to much for her, but it was pretty bloody obvious she just wanted this child to leave her alone. Mini Boo was embarrassed and I was furious that she was put in that position.

The mum in the meantime thought it was very funny and made the occasional ineffective mutterings of "Tahlia (really?) leave her alone, she doesn't want to play".

I wanted to knock this child through a wall to be perfectly blunt but sadly knew it'd have been frowned upon.

What should I have done?


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Take the other child's teeth out with a pair of pliers - not all of them ! and say to the mother.... I've done you a favour really....
17:09 Tue 06th May 2014
I'd have probably tried to engage her in conversation and quieten the child down that way, I wouldn't have tried to ward her off so to speak rather include her because I think it's an easier and usually more effective way of getting what you want, but it's very hard when someone doesn't care what effect their and their children's behaviour has. By 3 or 4 most children can behave really nicely.
I'd probably have tried the mesmer stare on the child.
Take the other child's teeth out with a pair of pliers - not all of them !
and say to the mother.... I've done you a favour really....
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lol PP! I don't often understand your replies, but I did that one and it made me laugh x
That's the best 'Best Answer' I've ever seen lol.
I would have said to the mother, best they don't come any nearer she has been in quarantine since her brother caught scarlet fever ! and smiled sweetly. What as the receptionist doing whilst all this was taking place ?
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"What as the receptionist doing whilst all this was taking place ? "

Hiding behind her counter- can't say I blame her!
I would have wanted to smack the brat into next week.

What I would have done was bite my tongue and sit on my hands.......

I have a pretty scary glare so kids tend to run away from me crying :-)
B00, if you had knocked either the mother or her offshoots through the wall you would have had to pay for the repair of the cavity, or cavities, in said wall.
I think Tahlia is a lovely name...
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Ahuh, its adorable, as was the child.
So a 3 year old wants to play with your daughter but at age 3 her social skills are probably quite poor and yet you want to slap her for having the temerity to try and engage your child?

Was there only crime being boisterous in a waiting room?
I think Boo is inferring that the mum couldn't give a stuff and the child didn't know how to behave appropriately. You see it time and time again, a disinterested mother and a child who is practically shouting 'look at me!!!!' to any other person around.
I'd have told the little girl politely but firmly that my daughter didn't want to play and if she persisted I'd have asked the mother to intervene in a way that left little refusal for mum; I also have 'a look'.
I'd have said very loudly "Just ignore her Mini Boo, she's common"
I love all the replies that say"I'd give her a look". Do you think "a look" would have had any effect on the child(6-7 year old girl) jumping up and down on my car and when told to get down turned to her friend and say" don't worry, he can't touch us". Children know their rights these days, a look would just be ignored.

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