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I Went To The Shop Today....................

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Jeza | 22:39 Fri 09th May 2014 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
All I wanted was Bread and Milk. I spent £31 and came home with out the bread. I think I must be getting old.


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A colleague of mine once went out at lunchtime for a sandwich and called in to Mongey Plunkett motors on the way back and on the spur of the moment ordered a brand new Peugeot 206
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Methyl, are you my twin. With the exception of list on trolley that could be me.
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If you have shopping problems, DON'T EVER GO TO COSTCO....
I go for their bargains - coffee, flour, tomatoes etc, but I never escape under £100...
// came home with out the bread. //

man shall not live by bread alone - or did he say whiskey alone ?

the last one is more true

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I Went To The Shop Today....................

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