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What Am I Doing ?

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wendilla | 09:28 Sat 10th May 2014 | ChatterBank
52 Answers
I have been up it down it across it under it on top of it stuck on it . Slept on it .thinking of it .got up and it was still there still struck in the corner .still racking my brains how to get them out .


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BErniecuddles I think my daughter is about that level but no way will I ask her for help. She did explain but that was all.
Bernie, I hope you wave to Mrs C all the way on level 221 :-) Why have you left her up there for 2 weeks?
stick at it wendilla, you will do it eventually, am stuck on level 400 and something, been stuck for about 5 days, getting bored with it now.... you should try Kitchen Scramble, drives you mad but I love it (better than the telly) lol
Wait till you get to level 183. The devil of all devils. Was stuck for about 6 weeks. Am now stuck on level 245 for 3 says.
@ peas best thing invented is candy crush as it keeps mrs c quiet every night apart from the occasional swear word from her !!
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Oh dear me what have I got to look forward to lol . I make sure I have 5 games so when I am waiting for my grandson at school I can play them . Then same in the evening so,there will be another 5 overnight . Did I say I was not hooked on it .
If its any consolation, i got stuck on level 21, i dont go on it at all now. ive got stuck and given up on it! I liked iplaying on it though.
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Hi Geordiesmum not giving up on it yet . Just have to chose my times when to play it lol
Can sympathise, have been on level 86 for a month or more. Ggrrrr
If you want more lives go to your settings put your clock forward 24 hours go to the game open it you will 5 more lives go back to your clock and reset it before playing you can do that as often as you like if you are desperate to play.
I've heard of Candy Crush, haven't yet played it.

Am on desktop, can I give it a try or is it only for super-duper phones/kindles?

Lovely lass in corner shop was painting it blue when she was on level 75 or 788 for a week :-D
eek, sorry, 78 (eager fingers)

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