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Science Intervention

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DaisyNonna | 13:10 Sun 11th May 2014 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Just to let you know that the science intervention at GDs school, which dad to be attended by pupils on Bank Holiday Monday did not take place. Not cancelled, students turned up, teacher concerned didn't. What a waste of a day when probably the rest of the family were at home and could have done something together. Not on a direct bus route so many had a long walk, public transport reduced. They waited about for most of the morning. No explanation. No staff. No sorry for the inconvenience. So was it that vital? Probably, as parents have now found out that the previous teacher (now left) had not covered the syllabus. Still no apology on either count from the school.


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That's not good.
You must ask the school for an explanation
I'd be bloody raging if it was my child.
Put it in writing ( all of the parents if possible) and demand an explanation, that's disgraceful.
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Nothing I can do, only grandmother. Will let you know if anything does happen.
Very bad that, Daisy, by the school I mean. Should be an explanation of some sort imo.
what's a science intervention when it's at home?
That's awful, and not even another teacher there to take over. What a waste of everyone's time.
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Posh way of saying turn up for extra science lessons on Bank Holiday Monday or else!
I thik you should write to the head and tell him what it meant to you - disrupted day - lost opportunity and needless cost.

and then demand more ( science intervention )

we had it for Maths A level in 1968 - and it did some good - that would be coz the math teacher turned up.

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