Going on from an earlier thread - the latest possible one I got was concerning a court case, telling me to get my papers together as I was wanted in a court case. As it didn't specify the location of the court or any other specific details, I just ignored it and did not open the attachments that came with it. Has anyone else had this?
I got that one yesterday, like you I didn't open it. If I was wanted as defendant or witness i'm sure I would have been notified in the correct way (in person or by post).
Actually the latest one appeared to be selling health products, and turned out to be selling Viagra. 'You're not a sex fiend, you're a normal man' Well actually, that would come as a surprise to Mr taichiperson as last time I checked, I lacked the necessary equipment ;)
No, I only get the Nigerian/Fed Ex ones telling me I have won or inherited $20000000000000000000000000000000000000 from a relative I don't have. All I have to do is send £150 to get it. Bargain.