What is going on with this? Is the prize not awarded now for getting it correct?
Where are you supposed to put the answer if you send it by post.
So many crosswords are now going this route it takes the pleasure out of doing the puzzle.
I did complain to the Mail but the you mag is still the same, I mean counting the number of times the letter A appears is just pathetic. I don't send that one in now.
Hi Caran I too am disappointed in this new way of going about it,to me it is just more money for the paper to pay for the big prize and I always feel that people who pay by phone or text have a much better chance of winning than just sending it in.
I don't like the way they are doing these - and if you have heard of the person you can make out of the 8 highlighted letters - you are brighter and possibly more musical than me - but I've looked him up !