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Bit Of A Moan

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Ric.ror | 21:54 Tue 20th May 2014 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
A few years ago I did a very small good turn. It cropped up today in conversation with a new member of staff except another colleague was all "we did this"
She wasn't even there when it happened
It's such a minor thing but I'm more annoyed that she made it appear she was


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Did she maybe mean the dept she works in or the firm and just put it badly? Irking though.
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No it happened when I went out for a sandwich
It was nearly all over and dine with when I got back it was her use of "we"
She wasn't even there for most of it
It really was a minor minor incident and I did not want the new person to think I was a hero or anything but the use of "we" was, I thought, very deliberate
Ric, there's always one, been there
Oh well if there is no wiggle room for it being an accident she's obviously just a twonk.
I would have piped up..we ??
want me to come in my sparkly and give her a slap ? lol...
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The perpetrator of this heinous crime is my boss!
That's what I thought, grabbing the credit!
Sometimes things just bug us proportionately more than they should but its still hugely irritating.
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Anyway forget all this
I've decided to get myself some new glasses
Look at tom ford anastasia frames
They're quite bold, I wouldn't have the nerve myself. Each to his (her) own though. will come back to haunt her eventually but I think there is a site that sells voodoo dolls for revenge....
In the meantime I love the specs....just right for staring fiercely over at annoying people....I had it to a fine art in assembly....☻
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How's the gromits gneiss?
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Great Ric, she IS a rock
Sorry, Ric...missed that....they are great I think....I can hear well and best of all the noises in my head have gone...and no...just noises....not voices...yet....☻
Oooo just twigged, Psyb....with A Present from Mayo all through my centre...♣
Champion news :)_
rather nice that people remember....

OK they remember they were the centre of it all.....
feel flattered dear boy

I have had a few flumps say : and yes we had to act quickly to head that one off...
and it is difficult not to laugh at the idea of this terminally idle flump did anything besides concoct a memo saying if things went bang he was most certainly not responsible.....

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