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Could Get Used To This

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sherrardk | 13:58 Wed 21st May 2014 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Himself has just taken me out for lunch, not a child in sight (ours or anyone else's). Don't think we have ever done this since we had our eldest child and whilst I felt a tiny bit guilty at first (should be doing house stuff, etc) it soon wore off!


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How lovely for you!

Have you worked out what he's after yet? ;-)
fabulous, you both deserve time alone, well done himself :)
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I don't think he's after anything, just in a good mood! Went to buy some holiday stuff and I think he got carried away.
was most of your conversation about the children/family ? :)
You cant beat it sherrardk,Thursday is our main shopping day and afterwards we always have pub lunch,sometimes in town or sometimes we drive out into the country till we find a decent looking pub and for some reason even the busy pubs seem to be a bit quiter on Thursday.
Best way to spend a nice sunny day!

When the present Mrs Hughes and I met, she had two girls from her first marriage, and we had a third daughter between us.

Having grown up with two younger siblings, and having had her first daughter at nineteen, my lovely wife never knew a house without a dependent in it until our youngest daughter moved out.

It took over twelve months to get used to the fact that we could go out at a moment's notice, not have to be back at a set time, and could book holidays outside school holidays.

Now we have adjusted, we make up for lost time!
Holiday shopping AND lunch, you are lucky!

Hope the sun is shining for you and you have a nice lunch :-)
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We talked about the holiday and about his broken head (but not in a maudlin way).
that's lovely!
First time Mr Alba and I went out without the kiddy-winks, we just looked at each other and didn't have a clue what to say!
Enjoy sherrard, no guilt trip!!
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And now I've just seen a red kite flying over my garden :)

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Could Get Used To This

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