Started washing up, door bell rang, it was a neighbour. We chatted for a while and he eventually went. Back to kitchen, I hadn't turned the tap off. The soap suds were about three foot high all over the sink and drainer. The floor was awash up to over an inch over whole floor. I had to start mopping up. It took forever. I discovered under sink cupboard was also flooded. Had to empty it and mop all the shelves and wipe everything down. Had to hang bin bags up to dry
It's amazing where all the water gets to.
What got me mad though about an hour before I had used steam cleaner on kitchen floor and it was really nice and shiny. Now it wasn't.
Why do we have so many water disasters?
There is an overflow but it's not very big and the tap was full on. Since we bought new taps the flow of the water is too much, I have asked OH to turn the pressure down. He will now.
We have a water meter but thee is no restriction on taps running.
Methyl I haven't tried that one yet?
We also laugh about it mrs chappie, every disaster we have is water based. It has been going on for donkey's years. We are convinced we will drown eventually!
I did something similar recently caran, I put a small cup of domestos in my washer to clean out the drum. It frothed up and started seeping out of the drawer and around the door I was going frantic with all the suds it took me ages to clean it all up.