Why Are They Trying To Get Into U K? in The AnswerBank: News
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Why Are They Trying To Get Into U K?

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ChillDoubt | 10:14 Wed 28th May 2014 | News
47 Answers
When they're already in a safe country?


Whilst I may understand the plight of a few who may deserve asylum, are the French acting as a result of the Euro elections?



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The French action is not as a result of the elections. It was planned some time ago. It was in the news that the immigrants' campsites are disease ridden (not surprisingly) and that action was going to be taken to clear them. I don't usually hold much of a brief for the French but the people of Calais have my sympathy. Until a few years ago it was a half decent town...
11:06 Wed 28th May 2014
oops,I mean "a quart into a pint pot" ;-)
methyl, //this is what started Nazi Germany. The feeling of being overrun by foreigners and the general public's support for removing the foreigners.//

Someone, I don’t know if was you, said this the other day - but I’ll say now what I said then. Absolute nonsense!! Jews had lived in Germany for hundreds of years before Hitler came to power. They weren’t suddenly flocking in by the thousand. Your comment is highly misleading.
what I don't get is this.

the consensus seems to be that Britons should be proud that we're a tolerant and humanitarian nation, these people deserve our support, should be embraced with open arms - not to mention providing the chatterati with cheap gardeners and nannies -

and yet the government spends millions trying to keep them out, and calls them illegal.

surely the two stances are incompatible?
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What do you think Chill?
Methyl, check out "The Wild East", one of the documentaries in the "Nazis - A Warning From History" series.

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