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What's This All About ??

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Gizmonster | 13:59 Sun 01st Jun 2014 | ChatterBank
7 Answers

It only happens when I'm on here - is it some kind of virus ??
If not, what is it and why do I only get it when I'm on the Answerbank ??


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Afternoon - to give you a quick answer - it looks like it may well be that ad related to necatr points on the right hand side in the screenshot. Do you see that ad, or ads very similar to it often?

I'll try and find a way to get rid if we can find out what it is!
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Thanks for the reply.
I've done a scan with malware bytes and it found 1 rogue item .... deleted it and not had any problems since .... strange how it was only on here though.
That looked really dodgy gizmonster. For the past two days I have had the 'website expired' notice and had to use the back button to return to AB it only happens on AB.bit of a nuisance when you're in the middle of answering a thread.
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Well .... touch wood .... I haven't had it since I deleted whatever it was that Malware Bytes found.
I'm still wondering though, why that message only came up when I was on here ??
I had two large adverts at either side of the panels with red/yellow lines running around them v, annoying. Now they have gone I haven't lost the webpage since. It only happened on AB.
Must be a scam - we don't do moonbeams in Burnley:-)
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Ooh - do I know you Ken lol ??

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What's This All About ??

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