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I Was Looking For Alba ?

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anneasquith | 22:41 Tue 03rd Jun 2014 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
ive checked her profile .


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Not been on here for a bit ..but has been on FB ...I'll message / mail her if you like ?
Question Author
no, its ok murray, just wondered if things were ok. thanks.
Her dongle may need topping up !!
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sounds very painful, poor lassie :)
Perhaps we should have a whip round, mrs.whiplash:-)
i miss her loads i'm lonely
Aaah, she'll be back soon.xx
If any peeps do have contact with Alba, please pass on my best wishes, I miss her too xx
murray, say hi from me please
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I see you have a new avatar fluff.
Hope you get your dongle back soon Alba...need to discuss BBC's Doctors...
send her a big kiss from me, please.
What's alba got that I ain't got?
lol, do you want a list, cupid. xx

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I Was Looking For Alba ?

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