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Daily Telegraph Toughie Friday June 6Th 2014

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catsrcool | 10:38 Fri 06th Jun 2014 | Crosswords
9 Answers
12Ac US writer's earlier expression of joy enriches passage (4,5)a?e? ?????
5Dn Where does one export clip first in YouTube? Difficult when entry denied (8) d?c???r?


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12a.Alex Haley
5 Dock y (h)ard
Question Author
4dn r?s?l? rashly? why?
19dn Unoccupied schoolmate passed over two verses (7) s?n?r?i senarii? why?
26ac Most of liqueur consumed in big vehicle by a star (9) s?p?r?o?a = supernova why?

19d.S(choolmat)e + ran reversed + 1 1)
26a.Perno(d) in suv +a
Perno(d) in S(ports)U(tility)V(ehicle) by 'a'
Perno(d) =liquor
suv = big car, sports utility vehicle
+ a
26a supernova
4d r os il(l) y
SUV - vehicle
Question Author
Thanks all

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Daily Telegraph Toughie Friday June 6Th 2014

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