We've just had a police 'eye in the sky' helicopter circling round for the last 20 mins or so. It seemed to be delivering a message to the public over it's tannoys (very difficult to hear) 'this is the police..... 5 year old girl wearing green t shirt.... ' and we can't catch the rest.
Is it usual for a helicopter to do this for a missing child situation or should we assume that they are also looking for someone with the child? (presumed snatched)
I can't see anything on the local police website and the neighbours are all scratching their heads as to what to do? Anyone work/ worked in the police know in what type of scenario a helicopter might be dispatched in this way?
yes so do I, just feel a bit helpless as the message wasn't clear - is there anywhere we can check to get a full description? I'm sure everyone will keep their eyes peeled and help if they can, but we aren't quite sure what we are looking out for
although to be honest 5 year old girl with a green T-shirt narrows it down considerably if you see a child of that description in unusual circumstances