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Nigel Farage

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anneasquith | 20:17 Mon 26th May 2014 | Society & Culture
24 Answers
forget his politics,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,i find him a bit creepy and odd ?


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It's his smirk I can't stand. What's more, he really doesn't seem to take women seriously, does he.
20:22 Mon 26th May 2014
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I wouldn't have a drink with any of them,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,but he looks leery.
I find Farage insincere, the 'whole pint and a fag' look seems very contrived
// creepy and odd ? // What's wrong with that . Surely that's two of the criteria
for a would be MP . What normal person would want to try to convince friends and foes alike that your view is the right one, when history shows it rarely is.
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