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Please His /her Proper Name

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weecalf | 06:39 Thu 12th Jun 2014 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
Should not bother me but it irritates .Why don't people call people by their proper names .The golfer Graeme Mc dowell is referred to as gee mac please stop it .


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Enjoy your "Big Kn*b" ?

There's an offer I can refuse!
I always thought that it was a tad exaggerated Roy ! ( the nickname that is )
My initials may be JC but I don't work miracles - WY
I can understand mikey's nickname...........
My acquaintances just say 'Shoo'..........
Craft...have you been peeping ?
I don't think staunch consevative craft1948, is actually thinking about your nether regions when saying she understands your nickname.... left wing mikey.
Roy...what a nice thing to say !...thanks !
The only person who uses my proper name is my OH and the people in the corner shop.
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I happen to think its respectful to call people by their proper name .Why would somebody call John Be Jonners .People might like being called other than their proper name so change it then .

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Please His /her Proper Name

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