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Oh Ah ?

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anneasquith | 23:54 Thu 12th Jun 2014 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
soon be Friday 13th, be careful out there !!!


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Fine here, so far ROFL.
Safe so far Anne - did once have a spectacular accident on a Friday the 13th and ended up in Hospital....say a wee prayer for me, or some other incantation.
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candles lit..................
I have a 4 hour drive to do today but then when your number`s up, it`s up. That`s the way it is.
I'm hoping I'll avoid any mishaps although I have the podiatristm, the hairdresser and kitchen work - pattern beginning - can you light another candle Anne?
Don't burn the Kirk down Anne.
I'm obviously staying in bed all day...........
Put that cig out Craft!!
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ok 2 candles for '' the girls'' mamy im not a kirkie wummin :)
It's a few years since I smoked in the bedroom Mamya..........
lol! ^^^
Yes, its Friday the 13th and theres a full moon tonight!.............!!
Friday 13th and I believe Gness is still marauding around Ireland - what could possibly go wrong ...?

The leprechauns must be shaking in their boots

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