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Work Calls

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maggiebee | 10:52 Sun 15th Jun 2014 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Well had a nosey around all the posts to see what's going on today. Fairly quiet as yet but once you lot waken up no doubt it will become busier. Off for a 3 hour shift so catch up with you all later. Expect some good debate, great jokes etc. etc. Don't let me down!


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Well, don't speak to me, see if I care boo hoo.
Sorry, I have only just logged on Maggie. Don't work too hard, see you later.
3 hours? You are having a laugh.
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Yeh Hopkirk, 3 hours of answering calls at Samaritans is long enough believe me.
It must be quite draining Maggie, well done though for doing it.
where there many calls from English people today Maggie ? :)
Hello Maggie. I admire you for doing a very difficult job.
You are a ruddy saint, Maggiebee, all power to your elbow.
Oh yes, I see now Maggie.

My mother used to do that, and I know how draining she found it.

Respect to you though for doing such useful work.

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