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Re: Smudge

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netibiza | 06:57 Thu 19th Jun 2014 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Smudge thanks you all for your kindness and thoughts at this terrible time.


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Ah please give her our love Neti, we are thinking of them all x
Sounds as if it happened suddenly Neti? It must be a real shock, especially for her daughters only that age. Love to pusskin too x
netty....what has happened?
Smudges daughter died :-(
May I ask who Smudge is?
Ratter, Smudge is pusskin's sister whose niece Coggles is Smudges daughter.
smudge is a long time member on here, though hasn't posted for a while. Coggles, her daughter, also posted on here occasionally too.

I didn't 'talk' to coggles, our paths on here didn't cross so to speak, but I did smudge, a lot, a really lovely lady who I hope is getting through this as best she can, my thoughts are with her.
So sorry to hear this :-(
sorry to hear this netty :-(

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