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4getmenot | 12:29 Wed 29th Mar 2006 | Body & Soul
7 Answers
If a person told you they were a pathological liar, would you believe them?


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Everyone lies sometime. There are many reasons to lie. Sometimes it is to not hurt someone's feelings. Sometimes a lie is for our own advantage. Some people lie in conducting business and in their personal lives. Most adults are aware of when they lie.

A pathological liar believes in the lies, at least at the time that she or he is talking. Their stories tend to be very dramatic. They often portray the person as being smarter, braver, more attractive, or more interesting than she or he really is. Sometimes people begin to catch onto pathological liars because of obvious flaws in the stories. It is unlikely that a PL will tell you the truth in that they are a ...liar.

I cannot lie, I am gorgeous.
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Octavis It was kind of more the fact that if they tell you they are a pathological liar then surely they are lying about being a liar. ??????? How could you believe them???
Because a PL suffers from a brain disfunction. Telling you that they are a liar would be telling the truth and mostly they are incapable of doing that. So if they told you, then they are probably not a pathological liar.

In my experience a pathalogical liar will spend more time trying to convince you how honest they are. Octavious has it spot on - they love to cook up a drama and then live it.

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<TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">took me ages to stop laughing before i could comment on this post!! very good 4getmenot :-)</TD></TR>
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I don't know if to believe these posts,they could all be lying!

AAAAAAHHH HAHAHAHA That is a good one 4getmenot....

If a person told me they were a (P) liar, Well I would say to them. "I guess you have some problems then".. HAHAH.jen

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