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Ric.ror | 10:49 Thu 19th Jun 2014 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Son no2 will sign for his new house. Won't be long then before he moves out and I will be all alone in the house

Can't wait ;-))


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You'll be relieved at first.. then you'll start to miss him and he will miss being at 'home'. No bills, no worries and home cooking thrown in. It happened to me.
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Butterbun - you dont really know me very well

NO-ONE and I mean no-one is likely to miss my 'home cooking'
He's moving down the road so he's not going to be that far
I'm going to move into his bedroom - its bigger and the views much better
The tag line of Poltergeist is:

They're baaaaaack !

But in poltergeist, they can exorcise them, whereas yours wont move again for neithr love nor money....
Not tied to meal times Ric / place stays tidy ..ish ;0)
Splendid solitude Ric ... enjoy ... when it comes.
Enjoy! A bottle of wine perhaps.....?
What I'd like to know is how they wangle the largest room!! Just happens doesn't it ... while you're squashed up in a box size room with the budgie ;0?
It's ok for a few weeks,then you'll miss him,it's like when your youngest child goes to school,great for acouple of weeks then you wonder what to do with your spare time
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Next Thursday is the big event
Let the budgie out of the cage ;0)

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