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What's Your Favourite Farmyard Animal?

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sunny-dave | 13:58 Wed 25th Jun 2014 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
I have a very soft spot for donkeys - amiable, friendly and laid back, but can be very stubborn and are complete bar stewards when aroused ...

... just fellow feeling I think :)


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I have a soft spot for a goose.
14:27 Wed 25th Jun 2014
I like bulls - highland cattle are best.
Farmyard cats are good mousers...
cupid - my two thugs were born to a feral mother. The thought of my little girl roughing it in a barn and catching her meals makes me smile - she runs away from her own farts. :-)
Donkeys for me too, Dave.......I had to walk miles to round up the sheep....well the dog did most of the work......milking the cows was a bit dodgy....our pig was a crosspatch....... but our donkey was my friend.....xx

A cute little Lamb.
Some Mint Sauce,
Roast Tats
and some green Veg
The old collie that snoozes by the gate- and gets your ankle as you go past.
Also love donkeys.

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