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Some Comedies That Were Around Years Ago Seem So Unfunny Now. I Think This Is Still Very Funny And Stood The Test Of Time.

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RATTER15 | 10:41 Mon 30th Jun 2014 | ChatterBank
45 Answers
Im not sure it would be appreciated in some quarters as being very "non PC."

And see the basis of some of Les Dawsons sketches.


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If you mean Paddy the shop stewart, that was Miriam Karlin.
no the one i'm thinking of was about 4ft tall
Barbara Windsor? She's quite short.
esma cannon thats it
Oh, right - Lily. Stalwart of the Carry On series too.

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Some Comedies That Were Around Years Ago Seem So Unfunny Now. I Think This Is Still Very Funny And Stood The Test Of Time.

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