I'm actually jealous, my bed is much more interesting, at least 3 kids climb in - might I add totally univited! It gets covered in nasal excretia, saliva, make up - stolen from my bag, all manner of crumbs, wrappers, items of clothing etc. What's more, my bed is family themed, much better than hers!!
gingejbee, The Emperor's New Clothes is right. I saw the bed when it was exhibited at The Tate and thought it was pretty disgusting - just as I think half a cow and a preserved shark disgusting. The 'artists' say it is a concept (remember the pile of bricks?) and they are half right. It is a con. I heard Tracy Emin on Radio 4 saying that the bed was priceless because it was unique - but I bet half the houses in UK have beds like that but because they have never been to Art School they haven't the brass neck to call an unmade bed art!