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NoMercy | 18:52 Mon 30th Jun 2014 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
I've never heard of it before but I've always had it, to the point where certain images can make me retch, shake and give me goosebumps on my upper arms.

My colleague mentioned this to me today and I made the fatal mistake of googling. Cue much retching...

Anyone else suffer from this?


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Loofahs freak me out !!
that lotus flower thing is awful, but really you could use that image in a horror film and half the world would be grossed out. Being freaked out by shampoo is on a different level, a proper phobia.
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The shampoo wouldn't affect me and neither does Aero chocolate, honeycomb or sponges. I would have been freaked out by the red crab invasion, though.

Seeing cluster of holes freaks me out because my mind tells me that something disgusting could be lurking or come crawling out of them.

Very odd but I can't stand the Sanex ad either!
Mr S suffers from Turophobia, its an irrational fear of Cheese,
No don't laugh, I'm being serious,
We are going to a wedding on saturday and I will have to go to the buffet with him and check everything first before he will even have it on his plate.
We went to the Science Museum a few years ago, and watched a program from the 60's
I think it was Panorama, it was about the things that live on the food we eat, mainly cheese mites, and it showed them hugely magnified, hundreds of them crawling all over the cheese,
We think that he must have seen it when he was little, he has been scared of cheese since he was a little boy.

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