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What Kind Of Person "do You Think You Are"

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TWR | 19:57 Fri 04th Jul 2014 | ChatterBank
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a carer, leastways I get plenty of practice!
I have my books, and my poetry, to protect me.
I have been described as many things, some I live up to, some I aspire to.
John Donne wrote "no man is an island" Tilly and I reckon he was right about you.
seadog, I am shielded by my armor.
I have no need of friendship.
Friendship causes pain.
Its laughter and its loving I disdain.
I am a rock, I am an...................................
there are n polite words to describe me!
Oh I'm just a wonderful human being......then I woke up ! Lol

Oh to see ourselves as others see us !
Gotcha! beautiful verse.
Depends which persona I am hiding behind.
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Graham, I've been told I'm kind, helpful, thoughtful, help anyone, put myself out for people, generous, romantic, think of others before myself, dare I say anymore? can not help the way I come out with sayings, very direct, I do not bull sht. I better stop. That's what I have been told, Myself! I'm me.
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Hi Mazie, all is as well as can be expected, I cannot put the world to rights, but can offer my views!!x

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What Kind Of Person "do You Think You Are"

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