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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 04:37 Sat 05th Jul 2014 | ChatterBank
78 Answers
It's pi...Er, raining hard here, so no walkies this morning. Foxy was in foxy his supper as usual, his tail looks like it's been plucked. Not having a good life of it at the moment the poor lad.

Tiggy looking a fine figure of a hedgehog. Didn't have his young lady with him, but did carry some food away, so maybe he's giving her breakfast in bed!

I hope it stops raining, a lunch then Purton charter today.

Have a happy day everyone.


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Morning cuddles xx Sun shines down on the righteous ? Dry here ! Lol...
Goodly morning peeps.

Dry but a tad cloudy here.

At this time of the morning, I take it I've missed a lot of the usual suspects? :-)
Morning Albs xx long time no see ! How's yoooo ?
Am well thanks Minty xx
How's your eyes.
I was singing
'two lovely black eyes' the other day :-D

Am on FIL duty during the week, so my days are kinda back to front.
Sorry to see Dad's not too well.
Eyes are now a lovely yellow so soon be back to normal ..I hope...
I'm sure you and Gness were separated at birth lol
(I'm sure that's been mentioned quite a few times!)

Time to shift meself, a flying visit, pooch to wriggle with, then attempt some housework which has been kinda forgotten about :-)

Hope you and everyone has a lovely day. xxxx

My condolences to Elina xx
Hope GY has a lovely flight home
and that everyone has a lovely Saturday xxxx
Laters Albs ! Xx
Morning eveyone :)
Hi shar xx
Hi Minty, how's your Dad? xxx
Bad night shar..:-(
sorry to hear dad had a bad night minty, take care :)
Hi Anne xx ta
murray, im not an expert like sqad, but maybe dad requires a stronger analgesia, ?
Had review on Thursday Anne
Minty - so sorry to hear about dad. G and me send our love x
sorry to hear the news on the bad night, minty. Enjoy the final and don't trip over the net - if so, you lose the point. xx
beautiful here, sunny and very warm

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