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St 4597

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Paul21455 | 09:00 Mon 07th Jul 2014 | Crosswords
3 Answers
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'A jolly boring processed Brie getting more out to lunch' (7)

I have B_R_I_R

I can't see beyond the word barrier, but can't see how it fits with the clue, apart from the letters of BRIE

Can someone explain please ??


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jolly = rm (royal marine) in anagram of brie
A 'jolly' is a nickname for a Royal Marine. So…put A+RM into an anagram of BRIE, and you get "more out to lunch"!
Question Author
Thank you both.

I didn't know a 'jolly' was Royal Marine, hence my difficulty in making sense of the answer.

Older and wiser..!!

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St 4597

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