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Red Sky

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Ric.ror | 21:30 Mon 07th Jul 2014 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
I never seen the sky this red
And hasn't it got dark early tonight


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beautiful isn't it, Ric.ror
Dunno where you are, but it's as blue as blue can be here, Yorkshire.
Got window wide open, enjoying the birds evening chorus.
Where are you, Ric? Here, east of Leeds, the sky is covered with grey clouds, and it looks as if it might rain at any moment. No red sky for us.
Not here in the south, ric - the sky's only just fading from blue.
There was no red sky for us in this part of Yorkshire, we had a real downpour a couple of hours ago, at least the garden deserved it.
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Now here is a strange thing because I was actually in Leeds when I posted that so I guess it just depends on how you see things normally I am blinded by the sun in that particular spot of the living room but last night the sky was on fire - and then there was a downpour

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