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Can I Tag Someone That Is Not On Facebook.

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RATTER15 | 12:38 Fri 11th Jul 2014 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
I keep trying but it changes it to someone with a similar name!


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I couldn't do it either.
Thankfully you can't.
Facebook users who are tagged in photos have the opportunity to remove the tag, and rightly so. People who don't use FB wouldn't be able to remove the tag.
I 'always' remove tags.
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I just want to tag people that have changed their surname when married. I will just print directly on the photo, its just more effort.

I don't mind being tagged but only if it is a photo of me.
No, I always untag myself too :)
I don't like the 'tag' system on facebook. I get tagged in so many silly photo's - memes or something they call them - now I have my setting changed so I review any tagged pictures.
You can stop people tagging you with the settings

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