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Coffee Debate...

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agchristie | 18:15 Mon 14th Jul 2014 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Ive tried so many coffee brands but always end up with Nescafe.Is there a brand that you can recommend as I'm convinced that there is something special I'm missing out on!!


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For a quick instant I like Kenco Millicano at the moment.

You can buy a little box of single cup sachets to try, that's how I discovered it.
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Eve,thanks for that one,will give it a go!
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Thanks ColinandJess!
Douwe Egberts 'Pure Indulgence'. Tesco sells it at £6.59 per 190g but frequently drops the price to £4.00 as a special offer.
Instant coffee is largely down to individual taste. I usually like anything from Douwe Egbert and I also think that Asda's own Rich Roast is rather nice.

However, up until last year, I could never understand why people sometimes raved about certain types of coffee in the same way that some people do about fine wines. That was until I tasted a coffee from a coffee cart in London. It was part of the 'Notes' coffee group, where they use a really light roast for their beans. It results in a much sweeter flavour than usual. (I'm usually a 'three sugars guy but I found that just one spoonful was enough for me, as it allowed the flavour of the coffee to really burst through). It was so good that I just had to buy a second cup - and then a third!

So if you're ever in central London, I thoroughly recommend seeking out Notes outlets:
Kenco Columbian coffee is the one I buy most, I like my coffee pretty strong more like percolated coffee or even Carte Noir when the price is right.
I gave up drinking instant coffee years ago and now only have real coffee, made with a simple and inexpensive cafetiere from Tesco. Proper coffee, at an affordable price !
>>>Proper coffee, at an affordable price

That depends upon your definition of 'proper', Mikey. I know of a burger van where the proprietor took pride in only serving freshly-brewed coffee. He quickly had to change though when he found that the vast majority of lorry drivers complained that he wasn't serving 'proper' coffee. i.e. instant!
Try my favourite Carte Noire.
If you like Nescafe why not just stick with it.
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Some great suggestions thank you all!
You could always try something different ;-)
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Lol Capt - do you have to sieve it first!!!
Buenchico...I have found that as soon as you change over to real coffee, the instant stuff doesn't work any more. Occasionally I am given instant coffee and I drink it so as not to give offence, but it just tastes watery and weak.

I also only use real Parmesan now, instead of those horrid little yellow cardboard drums of fake stuff. Again, there is no comparison whatsoever.
I agree with Whirlyhurly, Carte Noire.

On offer at Sainsbugs at the moment - £2 a jar.
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Thumbs up for Carte Noir so far!
Carte Noir is no better than Nescafe Gold Blend, but makes a nice change.

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