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Having Visitors Is Lovely

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Tilly2 | 21:38 Thu 17th Jul 2014 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
but when they leave it's lovelier. Except you have to wash the flippin' bedding.


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Its ok Tilly - I go back to sleep easily so no martyr. Some people on here have much more difficult lives every day :0)
I didn't know your husband was unwell Grass. I hope he is soon on the mend. As to wet sheets, I've got a diploma in them. lol
Thanks Jeza and btw you are my role model. DTC at lunchtime at work today I went and had a 40 minute nap. I seem to be revealing rather a lot tonight. It's the Merlot!
I like people leaving so that I can put my feet up on the sofa again :-)
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Yont, nowt in my email folder. Wrong one?

Jeza and Grassy, bedding's no problem if you have a decent machine and some nice weather.
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Boxy, I like it when they leave because you can eat what you want to eat, rather than what they like.
Look in the Tilly2 one.
Visitors have their purpose. In the past I have invited people over to force me to clean and tidy house.
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Okey dokey, Yont.
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Thanks for all your replies, everyone. Off to bed. I'm exhausted playing hostess.
Grass, what a nice thing to say thank you. Bet you wouldn't say that when you see me fighting the bureaucrats we seem to be surrounded with.
Hi Jez' nice to see you again
Thanks Peter. Good to be back.
Grass...didn't know that.....I'm in the three sheets a night club too....take care...x

When my last long stay visitors left they gave me a packet of Value washing powder as a thank you.....still puzzled....and it was my birthday.....:-( must be so knackered if you're sleeping in your lunch hour. :(

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