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Why Did I Bother

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mrs_overall | 10:56 Sat 26th Jul 2014 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
Two weeks ago, Youngest Junior O & a friend travelled 30 miles to the nearest civilisation to do some clothes shopping. They are both 14 but YJO is 6'3" and looks older than he is so I allowed him to take his passport with him so he wasn't charged full fare on the bus.
On the return journey, YJO's friend got on the bus first and asked for a half fare. The driver queried his age, refused to believe him and charged him the adult rate. YJO also asked for a half fare, produced his passport and the driver refused to look at it and said "It's probably a fake one. You are paying full fare." Now here is the rub - the driver did not issue tickets to either boy.
When YJO arrived home and relayed the story, I immediately fired off an email of complaint,
I have just had a phone call from the bus company. They said they have identified the driver (dead easy as I gave them the bus number and the bus time) but they cannot discuss the investigation or outcome under Data Protection (I know, I know, they are talking rubbish.)
She then had the gall to say that as we cannot produce a ticket, there is no proof my son was ever on the bus!
Let's just say harsh words were said and the short comings of the bus company and staff were spelled out to her.
Rant over!


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Sounds like the driver is pocketing the money. Do drivers have to tally up the fare money at the end of the day, like in shop tills. If so, and if the driver gave the correct fares in at the end of his shift, then surely if he did not issue their tickets, then tickets sold and fare money would not tally up.
NEW JUDGE, not sure that having a bus number and time alone would be conclusive proof, I could get any number of timetables from the internet.

I did suggest earlier that the float would not tally but it would if the driver logged them as half-fares, charged full fares and kept the difference. Either way a letter to the local paper would do no harm and if folk who were on the same bus happen to read it, that's more proof if they confirm the son's version.
No it would not be conclusive proof, corby, but it would certainly support the boys' version of events. In any case there seems no dispute as to which driver was involved. The dispute is about what happened. But more than that there is the ridiculous woan from the bus company saying the matter cannot be discussed because of "Data Protection". As soon as anybody mentions that to me it immediately suggests that they are simply trying to brush the matter away. Anybody who has read the Data Protection Act will know that it contains no provisions for such stupid assertions to be made.
Publish and be damned. Name the company and let the public know
The letter to The Editor of your local paper appeals to me, sent by email with a CC to the bus company. I'm not convinced that the threat of legal action is taken seriously as it is invariably just a threat and companies know it isn't followed through. Whereas a letter to the local paper can have a far more adverse reaction when all and sundry crawl out of the woodwork and announce 'yep, that happened to my child too!'

There is more than a whiff of scam to this.
NEW JUDGE, based upon the information known, if that were presented to me as part of my job, I would not be able to say that misconduct had been proven.
trusting 14year old with a passport ? ( especially male ) sorry. ! no best pay full fare, cheaper than renewing passport. :)
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Thanks for y our answers.

For those of you who state ALL buses must have CCTV, please have a Google of Arriva. They state that MOST of their buses have it. Because we are in the sticks, I can say with hand on heart I have never seen a new bus in this area. I think they send old buses here to die.

Because the lads were not issued with tickets, I am sure that the £15 they paid between them went straight in the drivers pocket.
I have wondered what would have happened had a ticket inspector got on the bus (Do they still have ticket inspectors?)

I gave YJO several scenarios he could have followed but being academically gifted, he is of course dim when it comes to common sense.

They always travel to "civilisation" by train but return on the bus. I have told him if anything like this happens again, he should text/ring me and I will be there to meet the bus. I am hoping id DOES happen again as I would so look forward to having a chat with the driver
Write to the papers, mrs. O - your locals would love a story like this.
I am hoping id DOES happen again as I would so look forward to having a chat with the driver

Gawd help him.
Mrs O - they have taken on the wrong lady - you will teach them not to in oke their Nemesis!

I feel almost sorry for them!
Would you jeapordise the drivers job coz your gentle giant scholar wants a spree on a Saturday? Bet his bum takes up as much room as any adult. Nor would he want to sit on adults lap to qualify for half fare. How much space did his legs take? If he sued successfuly for injury he wouldnt be awarded half rates, would he?

Let it go & save the drivers job.
Bet he doesn't earn as much as an adult though, Tambo....since when did it become okay to mistreat kids and get away with it....that's what could jeopardise his job....his own behaviour.

If he wants to keep his job let him do it properly.
I'm hoping I don't follow your post too well because your tongue is so firmly in your cheek Tamborine?!?!?

You got it eccles ;)
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Tambo, you should get down on your knees and thank Eccles with all your might as she has just saved you from the ear bashing from hell ;-)

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