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Jeza | 20:41 Sat 26th Jul 2014 | ChatterBank
47 Answers
Did you ever wonder where you may be if you had turned a different corner?


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Jeza for what it is worth. I am aware of your situation with you and Mic and right now a friend of mine - her brother has had Alzheimers at 58 years old - he celebrated his 65th birthday last week - like you his wife is looking after him at home. He is now doubly incontinent, is violent towards her when she is putting on his nappy. Periodically screams - she had to take down all mirrors as when he looked at them he was frightened of the man. The bed is downstairs in the living room and she lies on a mattress on the floor. She refuses to let him go into care and doesn't have carers come in. So, Jeza you are not on your own but someday it will be taken out of your hands. Best wishes to you.
Not exactly but If the man who stopped me at Shenfield station hadn't I would at least know the truth bout the existence of an afterlife...

perhaps I had to live through the *** to have the life I have now...
No, I don't wonder. I've taken many different turns in my life and started afresh on several occasions - I wouldn't be here where I am now, if I hadn't done those things.

When I was nine, I imagined I'd live in a Georgian mansion and have four children, one of whom was called Gloria. None of that happened, and I don't mind at all!
Nice to see you, Rowan.....both well I hope...x
Hi ya rowan, hows things with you and redman ?.
thank gawd for the man at Shenfield station.
All is good... We came back from Liverpool Friday night. Didn't go to see the giants but got some great views. Lots of good beer and Chinese food.
Me and Mr. c have had our ups and downs like any married couple but I can't imagine life any other way except in my daydreams...

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