Have a number of raised dark, scaly, patches on my thighs, back etc. Have tried to soften them with Vaseline or hand cream without success. Any other suggestions??
Non itchy. (Mind you that doesn't stop me scratching at them, trying to remove the surface layer.)
For years, most of them about ten years.
Other problems, nope.
Medication, nope.
They just look very unsightly, and I know they can't be seen by other people but would love to be ridden of them.
An elderly male friend has them on his neck and they look horrible. I don't want to be that person.
Could be considered cosmetic i suppose. They treat other skin conditions like excema/psoriasis, even blushing . Tell your gp it is affecting your personal life as you cannot undress in front of your partner (or not even have sex with him) sleeping in separate rooms, etc.
If no luck ask your gp if he can do it privately. Cost would be quite modest i would think.