just interested to hear your views , if you had grass at the front of the house and decided to get it block paved and the kerb dropped so you could park your car on it would it bother you if people then kept coming up on your drive to turn round in there cars
love it tony av , naomi you may call it mean i call it rude and no mannners like i said if i still had grass they wouldnt go on my property so why do they think they can now ive spent alot of money getting it block paved , the day i had it done a lorry pulled up on it to turn making some bricks sink as it hadnt settled ,
I can never see why people put "no turning" signs up. What difference does it make? If there's no damage and nobody being blocked in, i can't see the problem.
I live at the end of a cul de sac and it is difficult for lorries, dustcarts, cars and vans to turn when vehicles are parked in the turning bay.
Vehicles used my drive as a turning arc so much that it damaged my drive. When I paid a lot of money to have a new drive I had parking posts fitted to stop strangers using my drive. It was worth every penny and now the neighbours who refused double yellow lines in the turning bay are suffering because their drives are the ones being used now mine if off limits.
I agree with anneasquith. I use posts that are dropped straight down to let me in and out and locked in the upright position. A bit of a faff but worth it.