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Ipad Screen Shattered

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Ric.ror | 18:16 Tue 29th Jul 2014 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
So am I
It's going to cost a fortune to replace


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I cracked the inquired about getting mine fixed and the apple people said they don't/won't do it anymore - they advise people to get a new one on their insurance (and then to get the broken one fixed by a non-apple person). There are kits on the net for you to fix it yourself.
Feeling brave? (Despite the British accent, the video is from a US company, but there are lots of UK firms that can supply the part for you):

I done one for a friends son, & yet to replace an iphone4s screen for my granddaughter, it's not as bad as you may think, just take your time, be on your own with no distractions, plenty light, have a A4 white sheet of paper & mark each screw as you take then out, do not rush as you can not rush this job.
We have a branch of Timpsons inside our Tesco, that advertises that it can change screens, if that is any help. Failing a repair job, get another Tablet, this time a Samsung, and save some money in the process. I have the 7 inch version its seems to do everything that a much more expensive Apple product does.

Beware doing it really is not for the faint hearted !

Found this on the 'net just now :::::

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