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TWR | 11:15 Fri 01st Aug 2014 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
was under the impression that ALL in the EU was the same! how is it we have Road Fund here and not abroad?

Fuel here different prices?

Insurance abroad different policy

Are we getting taken for idiots?

Can some one explain?


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Surely you mean Vehicle Excise Duty?
Question Author
///Can some one explain? ///

I can....

///I was under the impression that ALL in the EU was the same///

You're wrong....
Question Author
That took some effort B/Pool
so the penny's dropped
I'm sure you mean Road Fund licence, but beware the government did a sleight of hand accountancy trick some time time in order to claim it isn't funding the roads and they can pillage it at will. Oh course no reasonable person accepts that as being ok. How one funds the roads is surely a matter of national decision. How one rips of motorist as cash cows much the same. The dregs of society that work their way into such positions of power have little qualms about morality, tax is applied wherever they wish without reasonable justification, nor on any equitable basis, simply because they know they can bully defenceless folk into paying up whatever is demanded. It'll stay that way until the revolution, after which a different lot will bully you and find excuses for their abominable behaviour instead.
as typed >:-(

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