I just can't do it on my laptop, windows 7, firefox. I can turn the link blue but when I paste it reverts to black and won't open. I usually right > on link, select 'copy' then paste in an email but to no avail.Same thing happens when I try to post anything on forums . Any suggestions please?
When you 'copy' are you actually getting the whole link into your clipboard (includig the 'http' bit)? For example this won't create a hyperlink (because there's no 'http'):
but this will:
(Remember as well that, as I type, I don't see a link at all. It only appears when AB's server creates one. So you shouldn't expect to see a link appear when you simply paste a URL into your message. It's only created later).
To settle an argument above:
AB's server used not to create links from URLs starting with 'https' but it now does. (However leaving the 's' out would probably have just resulted in posting a dead link anyway!)
Thank you for your replies. I have just tried again with http and https but it still shows up black. I sent one to my daughter who says she can copy and paste some that I send (in black) to her email subject? bar and they will sometimes open and sometimes not. I wondered if it could be something in my settings but don't really know what to look for. I used to be able to send from my 'email link' in the File drop down but not any more. :0(
If the URLs you're sending aren't being converted to links by the recipient's computer (e.g. in a program such as Outlook Express) that suggests that the fault lies at their end and not yours. Try sending an email, containing a URL, to yourself and see what happens.
Try that BBC link again, Littleshirl, but ensuring that there's a space at either end of it !
(It didn't work above because you ran the dots into it. Perhaps that's where you've been going wrong all along?)
http://www.bbc.co.uk Nope, no joy. I also sent a link to myself but it still came black and wouldn't open of course. I was trying to send links to different people but they still showed up black.
Right, it seems to be o.k. on here so I will have a play about, but I don't think I have included the dots before so I don't know what I did different.
Just to repeat what I stated earlier:
It's AB's server that turns URLs into red hyperlinks. They WON'T go red when you type them (or paste them) onto your screen! (It's the same for everybody!)
Thank you both, because I cannot depend on the link changing I have been sending them to myself first, but they never work that way and it is time consuming and very annoying, but it does sound as if it is something I am doing wrong and not my settings etc, so I will just have to keep trying (and keep taking the tablets :o) thank you again.