Suggest you look critically at your patient , as unique
and individual. Then describe him and his needs under each of the following headings:
1. Physical
2. Social
3. Sexual (male/female)
4. Financial
5. Psychological
6. Environmental
7. Past medical history
8. Personality and temperament
9. Family and support available
10. Prognosis
Under each heading, state what you, the team and the
hospital can, and must do ,to put this individual back
into the 'normal' position he was in before he became
Spiritual care ? Pick the hospital padre's brains for
his suggestions.
Other good sources of info. are the Registrars, OTs.
Phsiotherapists, Social Workers, Dietitians and
close relatives. esp. spouse/partner.
Do your homework; collect all the information, then
set out your suggested care-plan under the above
headings. 2 paragraphs on each item will give you
a 20 paragraph essay of comprehensive coverage.