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Paint a smile

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doomey! | 10:34 Thu 30th Mar 2006 | History
6 Answers

"them who paint a smile on there face , can not be trusted"

(in reference to clowns)

I think I made this up, but can anyone prove me otherwise?



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Not heard of it personally nor of my friends in the industry but I like it though it doesn't apply to me
I think this has something to do with james Stewart
could be, he starred in a circus movie about a killer on the run, good film to
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Still , I think clowns are scary, did you notice Derren Brown as a clown the other week on his show?


I believe this may be Shakespeare surprisingly enough. Hamlet, to be precise, musing on his love / hate feelings towards Ophelia. I could be wrong.
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Wow that would be weird that I would remember that, I ahve not read a shakey book for many of a year.

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Paint a smile

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