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gness | 18:35 Mon 04th Aug 2014 | ChatterBank
48 Answers
Can you change a tyre on your car?

We grew up knowing how to do basic things to our motor bikes and cars.... and my kids were taught how to change a tyre before letting them loose on the roads.

A few years ago two female friends and I had a puncture on the A1. We rolled into the amazingly close garage and started to empty the boot to get at the spare.
I can't tell you how many chaps came and offered to do it for us!

Did we let them do it?....Well the dishy mechanic from Birmingham who wanted to help wasn't going to get away easily.....☺☺☺


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Ooooooh, why thank you Tony ;)
No key required !.
-- answer removed --

Yes I can and I wouldn't buy a car without a spare wheel, those cans are hopeless, having said that OH bought the Beemer with Runflats and no spare, didn't tell me 'til she brought it home, (I mean what can go wrong with buying an Ex Demo Beemer?)
Changing a wheel is straight forward... made sure my wife knew how to do it years ago but I also make sure it's straightforward for her. You should make yourself aware of where things like the Jack and wheel wrench are.

JUNK THE LOCKING WHEEL NUT ADAPTER and LOCKING NUTS, They are a bit of a throw back when Alloy wheels weren't the norm, not many cars come without Alloys now so they aren't "bling" any more.
Next time you are at the gagare get them to coppercoat everything. Coppercoat is a greaselike stuff that prevents your nuts siezing on the hub studs. Go to an autoshop and get an extending wheel wrench, it'll give you more force.
Don't panic about power tools, the nuts are torqued only to a certain and they should be manageable
If all else fails buy a can of tyre weld, unless your tyre is totally trashed ikt would probably get you home

I must insist my chauffeur reads this
Yep, my dad was an AA man for years, then ended up as an AA man Trainer/ Lecturer so I spent my childhood under the bonnet of a car learning about them. I had a flat tyre in a car park once and was amazed that people offered to help in this day and age especially as it was pouring down - faith in humanity restored
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Good to know that most people...and Psyb's chauffeur ...can change a wheel if necessary...and a good tip from Slappy ...thanks....x

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