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After Three Months Without It ...

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sunny-dave | 22:03 Tue 05th Aug 2014 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
... I think I may have to put my jumper on tonight.


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Still 19 degrees here in Wilmslow - another night in the nudie then.
you spoil that bike
I'm still sweating cobs
Oh go for a run.....that'll warm you......or on the spot jogging.....☺
Or horizontal jogging...
That won't work, Cupid.....he's cold.....☻
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You feeling a bit nippy too, cupes?? erect ni***es!
Nowhere to hang your hat at all then, Dave?...☺
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You'd need a very cold day to hang a crash helmet there ...
I wouldn't expect you to have one, dave, but I've put on a shrug tonight :-)
I wore a jumper to work today for the first time since May :-(
I thought blokes shrivelled in the least that's what I was told...
Where you lot live that are cold?...I'm baking down souff...
I'm oop North and still have the fan on.............definitely nuddy in bed for me.
Got my cardi on. Very south.
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It's a bit Windy in Warwickshire ... nice and cooling :)

N/Kent Coast, across the Estuary from Cupid, the Fans are staying on tonight for sure!
Quarter of a mile from the Channel, cool.
Glasgow,have the fan on.

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