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kimthedog | 07:34 Thu 07th Aug 2014 | Crosswords
7 Answers
14 ac change seen in leipzig? Yes and no
L?I , probably LEI , but cant see wht Any ideas?


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Lei (currency but not in Germany)
07:37 Thu 07th Aug 2014
It's a currency (change)
It's the plural of Leu
Lei (currency but not in Germany)
-- answer removed --
factor-fiction.....when I worked in Romania in the early 1990's, the question I was most frequently asked was "Why do you Brits call our country RUmania when it is clearly spelt ROmania"
The school I went to must have had very old atlases because it was called Rumania in there. Old habits die hard
I remember reading that it was the Soviets who reactivated the old spelling Rumania because they wanted to differentiate between Romania and the Romano Catholic church- I'm not sure if that's an urban myth though

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