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National Dalek Day

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albaqwerty | 05:32 Fri 08th Aug 2014 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
today, apparently.

Happy Exterminating Day doesn't sound right though :-)

just thought I'd share...


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I am in the mood for exterminating a few humans today. A couple of moggies too.

I have to take Frankie to the vet this morning and I was up at 5 for a ten o'clock appointment. All this so that he doesn't realise that we are going and go and hide. We go to the vet, they check his lungs, stick a needle in him and we are away home again - but it freaks both of us out.

How is your OH doing in his job?

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Wolfie, the pets always know when they being taken, they're blooming smart cookies.

Job's finished now and he's been waiting to hear about starting on a new one, but hasn't heard yet :-(
Thanks for asking xxx
remember it well, my 5 year old inside a home made dalek and those immortal words "I am dalek, I am a dalek" over and over again till you were sure you going to murder said child or "exterminate" the little so & so.
hi alba, how are you? if i exterminate someone today, do you think this will hold up as an excuse?
how am i supposed to get downstairs?
I want to be a dalek and exterminate some people.

can I stop being Spartacus for the day and be a dalek instead? pretty please?
So who gets to be the abomination...... Can't wait for Capaldi to get here
I'll share this one with you.
When Youngest Junior Overall was much younger, he was playing out and whilst rolling down a hill he ended up with a 2ft tree branch embedded in his forehead. He looked like a Dalek.
We spent ages in the waiting room at the local A&E and everyone was sniggering at him.
Eventually a nurse said "who is next?" and it was our turn.
I said "we are" and the nurse then said "and what seems to be the problem?"
I think Dave is Spartacus now so get your sink plunger out, LadyJ.....and go for it!!!!
I cannot imagine Dave as Spartacus wearing one of those short dresses.
It is so wrong
Oh Lord!! My imagination hadn't got that far, I can see Dave and Ron meeting up in a Whitby pub....☺
Daleks always looked like nob heads to me.

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