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Giant Phallic Thingy To Be Built In ....

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sunny-dave | 20:52 Fri 08th Aug 2014 | ChatterBank
14 Answers


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Aw, how wrong was I, I thought it was going to be in Walsall.
blimey i dont know what your phallus looks like, but i'd go to the doctors if i were you!
Wasn't here a thread about this a while ago. Micky taking about JJ throwing away her 'toys' and stuff?

The i360, JJ is going to be fascinated!
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It's a metaphor, innit ... black_cat.

Dunno Zacs - I did have a quick shufti through old Brighton threads & didn't see anything.
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Well spotted - I didn't go back that far :(
You is rubbish at searching and have a poor memory ;-)
It's ridiculous spending all that money on a phallic vertical cable car.

They should spend on something far more functional like, for example, a water tower:

Or let the God Squad have their way and build a church:
OMG Chris, you've invited Naomi into the debate. 150 post, minimum.
-- answer removed --
Link please skriv.
There's nothing new.

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Giant Phallic Thingy To Be Built In ....

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